
I was born in Udine in 1969 and I live in Enemonzo, a village in the Carnia region, where my interest in the vertical began as just a boy. This is seconded by my love of the mountains, where I discovered new places to play: snow, ice and tall peaks.

I have always practised sports, from cross-country skiing to mountain biking, convinced of the physical and mental wellbeing this provides, in contrast to the chaos of modern life.

My love for the mountains became part of my way of life and way of thinking and influenced by choices and my life. Thus, I got to the point where I decided to make it my job, by completing the course to become a Mountain Guide.

The idea is for me to live in the mountains full time and be able to communicate to others this enthusiasm together with the necessary technical knowledge: transmitting and teaching how to understand our surroundings by providing the right tools so that everyone can continue independently to experience the mountains in their own way. In recent years, in addition to numerous ascents in the Alps, I have also travelled abroad to climb and ski. In 2010, I founded the “inMont Guide Mountaineering School” together with my colleagues Guido and Massimo Candolini.

I hold various specialisations: “Snow Observer” – “Rope Work” – “Nailing climbing sites and building vie ferrate” – “Canyoning”. Our intention is always to stay up-do-date and expand our technical and educational knowledge and expertise.